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Upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasties involve sculpting the eyelids to achieve a more natural and rested look, and can be performed together or separately. This sculpting involves removing skin and removing fat from the eyelids.
Upper eyelid blepharoplasty uses incisions in the skin to enable removal of skin and fat. A thin stitch is then used to connect the skin together in support of an eyelid crease.
Lower eyelid blepharoplasty can involve skin incisions directly below the eyelash or on the inside of the eyelid. Working from inside the eyelid provides access to the eyelid fat without any visible incisions, which makes this technique perfect for patients needing fat removed.
Cosmetic eyelid surgery is a procedure usually deemed “not medically necessary” because it is most often performed solely to improve appearance. This means that unless the eyelids are encroaching on the field of vision, it will very rarely be covered under insurance plans.
Upper and lower eyelids tend to become droopy or baggy due to the aging process. The eyebrows can also sag or droop as a part of this same process. Cosmetically, such conditions may cause an older or tired appearance.
All of these things are exactly what cosmetic eyelid surgery works to eliminate. Rejuvenating the eyes in this way will often make a bigger difference compared to any other single procedure in working towards an overall youthful appearance.
Leading up to Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery
Personal details, eye conditions, and overall eye health will be evaluated prior to defining a specific surgical plan. Such details include age, skin type, ethnicity, visual acuity, tear production, use of medications, use of corrective lenses, and patient expectations. This supports building the safest and best suited plan for each individual patient.
Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery Day
Plan to arrive 30-60 minutes before the procedure is scheduled to begin. Blepharoplasty is generally performed using a local anesthetic, and patients may receive a mild sedative to help them relax.
Upper eyelid surgery involves removal of excess skin, muscle and fatty tissue which has accumulated in the inside corner of the eye. Incisions are made along natural skin folds so as they heal, they are effectively impossible to see.
Lower eyelid surgery involves incision inside or behind the eyelid, which supports removal of fatty deposits while avoiding any external incisions. In cases where excessive skin or muscle folds exist below the eye, an additional incision below the base of the eyelashes may also be utilized. This ultra-fine scar should become barely visible once it has healed.
Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery Recovery
Stitches normally dissolve within 7-10 days following surgery. Discomfort after surgery is normally relatively mild, but eyes may feel sticky, dry or itchy for 7-10 days following the procedure. Bruising and swelling may also be experienced for 1-4 week after the surgery.
Head elevation and cold compresses will go a long way help reduce any bruising and/or swelling, and eye ointments or drops may also be recommended to help keep the eyes moist and clean.
Following Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery
While the positive effects on appearance after blepharoplasty are immediate, results are not considered final for up to 1 year as healing continues.
To learn more, or to schedule a Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery consultation, please Call (512) 528-1144 or Contact Us.
The vast majority of patients are extremely happy with their appearance after Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery, however, the exact results you desire cannot be guaranteed. Serious complications related to blepharoplasty are extremely rare, but as with any medical procedure, it does come with some risks.
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